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Prosecutor explains plea bargain in cyclist hit-and-run

After receiving 1,000 e-mails and a petition with 9,000 signatures, a Colorado prosecutor is trying to explain his choice of misdemeanor, instead of felony, charges against a hit-and-run driver who seriously injured a bicyclist.

District Attorney Mark Hurlbert and the case of wealthy fund manager Martin Joel Erzinger has become the focus of bicyclists across the country who are increasingly frustrated by the judicial system's apparent leniency toward motorists in crashes with bicyclists.

It's now up to a Colorado judge to accept or reject the plea bargain and determine a sentence, which can include loss of driver's license and one year of jail time ….

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Cranksgiving: upcoming Thanksgiving rides for bicyclists

More than 800 cyclists used their bicycles to go grocery shopping in St. Louis on Sunday to help fill the pantry at Food Outreach for Thanksgiving.

The bicycling food drives in St. Louis, Milwaukee, and Mason City, Iowa, were the earliest Cranksgiving events this year. Others are planned for the next couple of weekends in cities across the US.

In St. Louis, the bicyclists were given a list of items needed by Food Outreach and a map of grocery stores located along a 10- or 25-mile route. The event was free, but buying 5 to 10 items each set the participants back $10 to $20.

The pilgrims at the first Cranksgiving were a bunch of bike messengers in New York City back in 1999. Still going strong, that Cranksgiving — like many of the events — is an Alleycat race ….

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Cranksgiving logo for St. Louis

800 cyclists ride in St. Louis Cranksgiving, collecting grocery items for food banks.

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Traveling by bicycle, one mile at a time

“I got on a bicycle and rode it a mile. I did that 45 times each day, for 89 days.”

That's how David Jones of Vancouver, Wash., described his cross-country bicycle tour to a reporter at The Columbian newspaper recently.

Breaking up a 4,022-mile bicycle journey into bit-sized pieces was the easiest way for the 55-year-old to tackle the challenge. Before this bike tour, his longest bike ride had been about 15 miles. At times in the Rockies ….

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Financial planner gets “bailout” in hit and run vs. cyclist near Vail

If you're outraged by this lack of justice, sign the petition at DA Mark Hurlbert: Don't Drop Felony Charges Against Hit and Run Wealth Manager

A Denver-based financial planner will be charged with two misdemeanor traffic charges, but not felony hit-and-run, after he allegedly hit a bicyclist from behind near Vail, Colorado, and didn't stop.

The prosecutor in the case, District Attorney Mark Hurlbert, said he chose not to seek the felony charges because it would effect the driver's ability to make restitution for medical costs to the victim.

The victim, Dr. Steven Milo, is “livid” about the case, according to the Vail Daily. Milo objected in writing to the district attorney about the case, which he says “has always been about responsibility, not money ….

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Is this the winter for amphibious bicycles in the Pacific Northwest?

Whenever I read a long-range forecast for the upcoming winter in the Pacific Northwest, each one says wetter than normal — expect streams and rivers to overflow their banks for widespread flooding.

Must be time to look into the amphibious bicycle. Just ride along down your favorite road, deploy the floaties when you hit deep standing water, and pedal on.

Floating bicycles are not unheard of. I easily found a patent for one dating to 1981. touts an inventor from India who put one together over a three-day period during the monsoon season in his region. At the opposite end of the spectrum is the high-tech amphibious bike created by students at the University of Southampton …..

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Tall Amphibious Couchbike on the water

The inventors take it out for a spin. Details at Rat Patrol Oz.

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Patented float bike

Circa 1981

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Amphibious bicycle

Made in India. It floats…. More at India business development.

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Video highlights from Quizno's Pro Challenge announcement

Organizers of the 2011 Quizno's Pro Challenge announced the host cities and stages for the cycling race on Thursday, Nov. 4. Here's some of the highlights from that announcement.

That race rolls out Aug. 22-28, 2011.

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