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Newest Adventure Cycling bike route is a detour to Motor City

The home of the American auto industry is one of the cities on an alternate route unveiled today for the Underground Railroad Bicycle Route.

The Adventure Cycling Association didn't choose Detroit for its status as an auto maker, however. It was chosen for its place in history as the last stop for some slaves before reaching freedom in Canada.

The 2,000-mile Underground Railroad Bicycle Route, launched five years ago, roughly traces the paths of escaped slaves from the Deep South. The original bike route rolls out between Mobile, Alabama, and Owens Sound, Ontario.

The new 518-mile long Detroit Alternate, announced today to celebrate Black History Month, breaks from the main bike route …

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Detroit to Owen Sound alternate

Adventure Cycling Association Underground Railroad Bicycle Route, Detroit alternate

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Underground Railroad Bicycle Route

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Detroit alternate

Adventure Cycling Association's Underground Railroad Bicycle Route… Detroit alternate 1

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Smooth bike-riding on newly renovated Burke Gilman Trail section

News that the 8-month renovation of a 2-mile section of the Burke-Gilman Trail reopened at noon on Friday sent me out on my bicycle this weekend to enjoy the fresh pavement.

The smooth riding was enjoyable, but I wasn't prepared for the trail's transformation from a narrow path to a bicycling superhighway.

Comparing two photos here of the Burke Gilman Trail crossing at 147th Street, it's hard to believe they were taken at the same location. The photo below was grabbed from trailviews at; I shot the one above on Sunday afternoon.

Changes like that are evident throughout the entire stretch from Log Boom Park to 145th Street.

This 2-mile section of the 18-mile Burke Gilman Trail …

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Burke Gilman Trail

Renovation of the Burke Gilman Trail in Lake City includes removal of stop signs, fencing, grading straightening the trail. Google Map trailview screen shot.

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Bike Swap

Seattle Bike Swap, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Sunday, Seattle Center Exhibition Hall, 225 Mercer St., Seattle.

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Need bike stuff? Seattle Bike Swap is Sunday

Everything bicycle — from whole bikes down to individual sprockets — will be for sale cheap at the Cascade Bicycle Club's 17th annual Seattle Bike Swap.

The only advice is to arrive early for the sale that runs from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall at 225 Mercer St.

Some 100 vendors have signed up for all the table space as of Thursday. They include bike shops trying to clear out some inventory as well as home mechanics with stuff to sell.

Although it's too late to get a table, you can still bring in a bicycle to sell on consignment …

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Groups seek help to keep bicycle and pedestrian funding alive

Bicycle advocacy groups are beating the drums for us to contact our U.S. senators and congressmen this week.

Lackluster transportation bills in the House and Senate that all but ignore bicycle and pedestrian funding are the issue again.

Groups such as League of American Bicyclists, Rails to Trails Conservancy, Adventure Cycling Association, and Bicycle Alliance of Washington, among others, are putting out the call for help …

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Doping bans and probes continue; Ullrich and Longo

Last Friday's news about Lance Armstrong seems to have injected more interest in news about cleaning up the doping mess in cycling.

It's evidence that the UCI and World Anti-Doping Agency are continuing to search for cyclists guilty of using performance-enhancing drugs and won't let past offenses go unpunished.

Here's a quick run-down of some recent developments from the past week, in reverse order:

Thursday — The Court for Arbitration of Sport found former German cyclist Jan Ullrich guilty of blood doping. All his results from May 1, 2005, until his retirement have been annulled.

The winner of the 1997 Tour de France and longtime Armstrong rival …

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