Horton 100 — Two days of rides (Saturday and Sunday) from Henry Horton State Park, Chapel Hill, Tenn., with cyclists returning to the park each night. Dates: April 22-23, 2023

Ride the Fault — Cycle along parts of the New Madrid earthquake fault line through 4 states in 7 days. Experience the varying scenery and terrain of the states of Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee while enjoying unique history and southern hospitality. Dates: June 17-23, 2023
The Bicycle Ride Across Tennessee (BRAT) Daily rides are 50 to 75 miles. Six days of bicycle riding Follow this link to register. Dates: Sept. 9-14, 2023 Sponsored by Tennessee State Parks.
Other rides/events
Cycle the Sequatchie Century — Annual bicycling events presented by the Chattanooga Bicycle Club. Date: Oct. 01, 2022
Bike Walk Tennessee — The group’s goal is to double the number of people walking and biking in Tennessee by 2020. As part of those efforts, it sponsors the Tennessee Bike Summit every year and works to establish scenic bikeways across the state.
Natchez Trace Bike Routes and Maps — The cycling routes and elevation profile maps provided below will help cyclists plan their ride along the Tennessee section of the Natchez Trace Parkway.
Tennessee Scenic Bikeways — With the U.S. Bicycle Route System as the backbone of a comprehensive network of bicycle routes in Tennessee, Tennessee Scenic Bikeways are comprised of spurs and loops that adjoin to and connect the U.S. Bicycle Route System in Tennessee.
Tennessee charity bike rides — A list maintained by Memphis Cyclist.
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