Across State Bicycle Tours: Pennsylvania

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Check back with event websites frequently as dates or details may change due to Covid-19 precautions.


Great Allegheny Passage (GAP) Bike Tour — Tours organized by Wilderness Voyageurs; explores the GAP from Pittsburgh to Cumberland, MD. Averages 35 to 40 miles per day. Three-day, five-day and six-day options. Dates: Numerous dates from May through October, 2021

C&O Canal/GAP This is a fully supported bike ride along the canal to Cumberland and then along the GAP rail-to-trail bike path to Pittsburgh. Camping and indoor accommodations. Offered by Adventure Cycling Association. Dates:  Sept. 16-23, 2023

Climate Ride: Liberty Ride from Philadelphia to DC — Follows a 280-mile route from Philadelphia, through Pennsylvania’s Amish Country, to the nation’s capital. Dates: No ride in 2023

Other Pennsylvania bike tours:

Pedal PA bike tour company offers the River to River Ride in May, Southern Crossing in June and River Ramble in September.

Pennsylvania bike ride calendar at Suburban Cyclists Unlimited in Horsham PA

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    • Aaron R on January 23, 2017 at 7:36 pm
    • Reply


    I am considering riding a bike across PA using route 6 from Milford to Erie. Is this a good route to take? I plan on taking six or seven days to complete this trip (about fifty miles per day). I want to try in the late Fall, 2017. I will be taking this trip by car in the next couple of weeks to just check out the terrain and accommodations. I know a good portion of this road but it’s been years since I’ve been on it.

    Is there a better route that would get me across PA?

    Any state restrictions on doing this?

      • Gregory Yatko on July 14, 2019 at 4:44 pm
      • Reply

      How did you ever make out doing this ride?

    • Kelly Burchell on January 31, 2017 at 12:34 pm
    • Reply


    My company is looking to form a team to ride in a few charity bike rides this summer. The list is pretty small for PA. Does anyone have a list of other upcoming events? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

    Kelly B.

    • Chris on March 7, 2017 at 2:26 pm
    • Reply

    Ms 150 keystone ride is a fantastic middle state ride

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