Happy birthday to world's oldest bicycle shop

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Bicycle shops are sometimes family affairs, but only one has been in the same family for more than 150 years.

Pearson Cycles can trace its history back to 1860 when the business first opened as a blacksmith shop in Sutton, a small town south of London. It's still in the same location, and the structure of the building remains virtually unchanged.

The family says it's the oldest bike shop in the world, and it's difficult to dispute that claim.

Currently, the bike shop is owned and operated by the fifth generation of Pearsons — Guy, 42, and William, 40 —  to work with bicycles at that store. Interviewed recently by the UK's Guardian newspaper, Guy succinctly explained how the business has lasted so long:

“A good level of service has been taught to us by our fathers and their fathers. We have a very loyal customer base….”

Village smithy

The business got its start in 1860 when Thomas Pearson opened his blacksmithing shop at the location on 126 High Street. The family lived upstairs.

Although the blacksmith usually worked shoeing horses and such, he could handle anything metal. That included the early boneshakers and penny farthings that started showing up in the years after the blacksmith shop opened.

When Thomas died in 1901, one of his sons, Harry Pearson (that's him above), took over the business and decided to concentrate solely on bicycles, which had become a growing part of the business. He sold Sunbeam, Swift, Triumph bicycles and the Endeavour, a bike that he made using the old forge in the shop to braze the frames. The shop also offered bicycle riding lessons.

Harry worked hard his whole life, never taking a vacation. In fact, he was working at his bench only hours before he died in 1946.

Modern times

The shop helped supply and service bicycles during World War II, as gasoline rationing made automobile use very rare. After the war, the shop began selling mopeds and motorcycles alongside the bicycles.

The introduction of mountain biking in the 1980s kept the shop busy, as did its mail order business. The shop also got more involved in the bicycle racing scene, building a Gold Medal racer to go along with its touring bicycles and Randonneur models.

Today, the shop still has a line of Pearson brand bicycles, as well as bikes from other well-known manufacturers. The workshop is busy everyday, although they shoot for a 1- to 3-day turn around on most jobs.

Although Guy's and William's children are too young to choose a profession, I'm betting they stay in the family business.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2010/11/19/happy-birthday-to-worlds-oldest-bicycle-shop/


  1. Happy Birthday. Some American bicycle shop owners can take some advice from you on how to stay in business.
    You guys must treat customers well.

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