Painted bicycles mystify Muskegon

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A number of freelance pieces of art have been appearing around downtown Muskegon, Michigan, lately — brightly painted bicycles chained to lampposts, bicycle racks and chainlink fences.

So far eight bicycles have been set up around town since mid-October. Sometimes they're moved from one location to another in the dead of the night. One, a pink bicycle that carried a breast cancer awareness message, was repainted yellow.

The only thing they have in common, besides being bicycles, is that each has a picture of an old-fashioned drill bit stenciled below the handlebars. If there's a theme to the spray-painted bicycles, no one has figured it out yet.

Track the artist

They've become the talk of the town.

Megan Hart, a columnist for the Muskegon Chronicle, has been trying to track down the artist. About the only public explanation from the person appeared as a comment:

“I hold the keys. The only part of my mission or manifesto available to the public is the bikes. Public art should not be considered criminal. My donation to downtown Muskegon. You are welcome. There will be more. Thank you for your cooperation.”

Based on comments to the newspaper, most people like the bikes. While a couple consider them litter or some type of gang activity, most say they brighten things up, such as:

“They make me smile. Thank You to whoever put them there. They are a very bright spot during such trying times.”

Bikes remain

In spite of working the phones and contacting museums, private art galleries and art schools in the area, Hart hasn't been able to locate the bicycle artist.

The good news is that although art displays on public property require a city permit, the city has no plans on removing the colorful bicycles.

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