Tour de France wannabes fulfill their dreams at 2011 L'Etape du Tour

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L'Etape du Tour is the Tour de France for the common man.

The mass participation event enables weekend warriors on bicycles to test their performance against the stars of cycling.

Because of the growing popularity of the cycling event, bike race organizer ASO is expanding the event to two stages. Explaining at the l'Etape website:

“It became very difficult to refuse riders because of our 10,000 limit. In organising 2 races, we would like to offer all riders the possibility to ride the Champions routes, on the historic Tour de France stages. … These 2 races, with very different profiles and landscapes, will permit you to make a choice according to your possibilities and sensitivity.”

Whichever ride you choose, you're probably in for a tough day.

Stage 19

The first ride is scheduled in the Alps on July 11 and corresponds to Stage 19 that the peloton will tackle on July 22. It's the queen stage of this year's Tour.

Only 109 km (67 miles) in length, it summits the Col du Telegraphe and Col du Galibier before assaulting the 21 switchbacks of the fabled L'Alpe-D'Huez.

There are only two differences. Organizers recommend stopping on the Galibier to take pictures of the scenery, something the pros can never do. Also, there probably won't be the usual swarm of cycling enthusiasts lining the road to L'Alpe-D'Huez to cheer on their favorites; all the enthusiasts will be making the ride.

Stage 9

The second l'Etape event rolls out July 17 from Issoire to Saint-Flour in the Haute-Loire region. This 129-mile ride corresponds to Stage 9 of the Tour, which is scheduled for July 10.

This is the longest l'Etape stage ever undertaken and features a hilly landscape that features the Puy Mary and Plomb du Cantal.

Cyclists will be able to participate in both rides, if they wish, with their total times posted online at the l'Etape website.


Even with total participant at 12,000 cyclists, the number is limited to 6,000 for each cyclosportive. Organizers expect a lot of competition for these spots when registration opens on Nov. 16 at the website.

They recommend contacting affiliated travel agencies to book guarenteed entries to the event.

The the US and Canada, the approved travel agenies are (all affiliated travel agencies are listed online):

Custom Getaways — US and Canada

Cyclomundo – US

Ronan Pensec Travel – US

French Cycling Holidays – US

On Your Bike – Canada

Velo Quebec Voyages – Quebec, Canada

Discover France – USA

Great Explorations – Canada

High Gear Travel – US and Canada

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