Bicycle travel photo contest at Adventure Cycling

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Do you have a favorite photo or two from a bicycle tour that you'd like to share with the world?

Then you might be interested to learn that Adventure Cycling Association is hosting its 2nd annual Bicycle Travel Photo Contest for images that capture the essence of bicycle touring.

Entries are being accepted at Adventure Cycling's contest group on through the end of the year. Each photographer is limited to five photos from past or present experiences.

Winner published

The winning photo will be published in the March 2011 edition of Adventure Cyclist magazine, and the photographer will win a 2-year-membership to Adventure Cycling and a $100 gift certificate to the Cyclosource store.

Last year's winning photo, above, of a red-jacketed cyclist on a winding mountain road on the Canary Islands was shot by Dutch photographer and cyclist Marco Meijerink.

The runners-up posted on the Adventure Cycling blog included a mountaintop in Hungary, a hilltop in Ohio, a long downhill coast in the Andes, and a short downhill plunge in northern Spain. There also are photos of a campsite in Italy and group of boys after a circumcision ritual in Mali.

Always the rules

The Adventure Cycling staff says it's looking for examples from road and dirt riding, rural and urban settings, scenery, people and emotions. No bicycle racing. If you've taken a camera on a bike tour, I'm sure you have photos that can qualify.

For all the contest rules and fine print, check out Adventure Cycling photo contest rules online.

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