More family bike travel adventures with the Metal Cowboy

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Long ago but in not so far away Idaho, Joe Kurmaskie got the nickname Metal Cowboy from a blind rancher.

Since then he's traveled near and far by bicycle, reporting his adventures through a series of humorous books, lectures and magazine articles.

His latest book is “Mud, Sweat and Gears.” It tells the story of how he involved his wife and three kids in a trans-Canada bike tour a couple of years ago. You may have seen an excerpt in the Bicycling magazine.

A previous book, “Momentum is You Friend,” tells about his cross-country bicycle trip with his two sons.

Kurmaskie regularly comes up to Seattle to speak at the Cascade Bicycle Club's Seattle Bicycle Expo. I ran into him there at the Bicycle Paper booth on Saturday and asked him about his new book and future plans. Apparently he's planning to take the family “Down Under” for an extended bike tour.

If you haven't seen the elephant video he mentions in this clip, you can check it out at “Elephants — like dogs — also chase bikes.”

You can order “Mud, Sweat and Gears” online at the Cowboy Store at the Metal Cowboy website.

Coming up

Kurmaskie will be speaking at 12:30 a.m. Sunday on the Raleigh main stage at the Expo's new location at the Smith Cove Cruise Terminal in Magnolia. (See directions)

Other BikingBis video clips from the 2010 Seattle Bicycle Expo:

Saturday: Balance, grace and skill on a bicycle — artistic cycling

Sunday: More family bike travel adventures with the Metal Cowboy

Coming Monday: Willie Weir's favorite place for bicycle travel

Coming Tuesday: Bill Thorness shares 50 bike rides around the Puget Sound

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