Seattle getting all tweedy for Sunday bicycle ride

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Some nattily attired bicyclists are planning to take to the streets on Sunday for Seattle's first “tweed bike ride” and they're inviting anyone to join in.

Dapper attire, preferably tweed, is highly encouraged. In fact, the invitation states that lycra is forbidden — “We're trying to be British.”

If you're wondering what to wear, check out the gentleman at left from a recent San Francisco bike ride shot by juicyrai at or other images from the SF Tweed pool.

Attendees are invited to gather at the Cal Anderson Fountain at noon on Sunday for tea, followed by a mellow group ride.

The Go Means Go blog tells us that Seattle's thrift stores are full of reasonably priced tweed, if you don't happen to have any in your armoire.

Folks in several cities have been donning tweed and taking to the streets at a more civilized pace. San Francisco, Chicago and Washington DC have all had tweedy rides lately. It's good to hear that Seattle is having its own ride.

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