New bike crossing over Hudson River is world's longest

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The Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park opened this past weekend in Poughkeepsie, New York, drawing thousands of people on bikes and on foot to enjoy the new views of the Hudson River.

The 6,767-foot-long bridge is being touted as the world's longest pedestrian and bike-only bridge. It even surpasses the length of the 4,226-foot Big Dam Bridge over the Arkansas River in Little Rock.

The old railroad bridge in Poughkeepsie will connect to 27 miles of rail trails and riverfront parks already built or planned for construction on either side of the river in Ulster and Duchess counties.

RR bridge

Originally constructed as railroad bridge in 1888, it once carried as many as 3,500 railroad cars across the Hudson River. It was closed after a fire in 1974.

In 1992 a community organization — Walkway Over the Hudson — began an effort to preserve it as a bicycle and pedestrian bridge. The group gained ownership of the bridge in 1998 and started to begin refurbishing the bridge in 2008.

The renovations were funded by $38.8 million in private and public funds.

Economic benefits

Why spend so much on a bridge that connects to some biking and hiking trails?

An independent economic study for the non-profit Walkway Over the Hudson group found that the walkway would generate an estimated $14.6 million in new spending by visitors. That will create an additional $1.3 million a year in taxes to state, county and local governments.

The deck of the bridge soars 212 feet over the Hudson River, giving bicyclists and pedestrians a stunning view up and down the river and across the countryside. The bridge is 35 feet wide as it passes over the river.

The walkway a state historic park. Now that the bridge is reopened, it's overseers should check out the Big Dam Bridge in Little Rock for ideas on how to draw visitors. That pedestrian bridge is the focus for bicycling, running and charity events from March through September.

Photo above from caboose_rodeo's photostream at

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