Federal funding for bike trails threatened
Good news – amendments fail

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Update via Virginia Bikes:

From Andy Clarke (Bikeleague) on the TE vote: 'Phew. Coburn lost but
only 39-59.' “

The League of American Bicyclists, Rails to Trails Conservancy and others thank everyone for their efforts. Bike advocacy works!

[By the way, Washington's Senators Patricia Murray and Maria Cantwell both voted “Nay.” Here's how the rest of the Senate voted. ]

What is John McCain's and Tom Coburn's beef with bicycling?

The two Republican senators from Arizona and Oklahoma have offered amendments that would remove funding for transportation enhancements — such as bike and pedestrian facilities — from the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) appropriations bill.

A vote on these amendments is imminent. The League of American Bicyclists and Rails-to-Trails Conservancy advocacy groups, among others, are asking people to contact their senators immediately and ask that they vote NO on the amendments.

The League explains what the amendments would do:

Senate Amendment 2370 prohibits funding for
transportation enhancements if the Highway Trust Fund does not contain
amounts sufficient to cover unfunded highway authorizations. [This amendment was withdrawn before the vote.]

Senate Amendment 2371 allows states to opt out
of the 10 percent set aside rule that require states to spend at least
10 percent of their surface transportation funding on transportation
enhancements. [This failed by a vote of 39-59.]

If you know your senators names, you can find their senate office phone numbers online. If not, here a list of senators sorted by state.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/09/16/federal-funding-for-bike-trails-threatenedgood-news-amendments-fail/

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