One bicycle challenge ends; another begins

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Remember Al Emma? He's the 69-year-old bicyclist from Pennsylvania I wrote about last spring who had one more organized century to ride until he'd completed one in every state.

Well, Emma just emailed me to say simply that he'd completed the One Helena Hundred this past weekend in Montana.

That gives him at least one organized century in all 50 states. While that's an amazing feat, consider that he's done them all since 2002.

Immediately following the century along the Missouri River, Emma was planning to toss his Lemond bicycle in the trunk of his car and drive up to Saskatoon in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. That's right, he's looking to ride centuries in all 10 Canadian provinces next.

[Emma says he skipped the Saskatoon ride because he was too tired to make the drive immediately after his Montana century.]

Good luck to Emma on that trek. You can read more about his exploits at BikingBis (“Bicyclist needs one more ride to complete US circuit”) and the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Go 48 in 48

In a similar vein, an Ohio cyclist on Monday just launched his attempt to ride his bicycle through all lower 48 in 48 days.

I previously wrote about Phil Nagle at “Bicycling 48 states in 48 days to battle cancer.” He had put off plans for an earlier start in June but is now underway.

Nagle left his home at Tipp City, Ohio, Monday morning and set out to the east. He planned to be in Pennsylvania by Tuesday night and continue into New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and into Maine by Saturday.

The entire round trip back to Tipp City will be about 8,000 miles, or 165 to 170 miles a day.

Nagle, a graduate of the University of Cincinnati, is doing the ride to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in dedication to his uncle Alvin who died of cancer at age 16. He'll be accompanied by his father and a couple of friends in a small RV.

You can help by visiting his donation page at the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Also follow his progress at his Facebook page or his Go 48 in 48 website and blog.

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    • Al Emma on December 2, 2016 at 6:31 am
    • Reply

    Hope you are well and look forward to seeing your articles in Adventure Cycling.
    Remember me? Now 76
    Have completed an organized century(100 miles or more)in every USA state and every Canadian province. 100 century rides.
    At 74(2014) rode across the USA in a tour-3872 miles from San Francisco, CA to Portsmouth, NH in 52 days.
    Have completed a marathon in every USA state and every Canadian province-all after turning 70. Have completed 120 marathons(114 since turning 70) and going strong.
    Best wishes,
    Al Emma

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