Is it art or a “slow down” warning for bicyclists?

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I've seen some poorly paved bicycle paths, but this one is the worst.

Actually, the canyon the cyclists are pedaling into is a 3D sidewalk art creation intended to slow down bicycle riders on the Regents Canalway in Islington, north of London.

A spokesman for British Waterways told the BBC that the “canyon” was commissioned to remind bicyclists to slow down and avoid pedestrians. Cyclists have run into pedestrians 10 times in the past year.

The canal towpaths are narrow in spots and obstructed by benches, low bridges, fences and boat docks. Apparently they're not ideal for faster cyclists.

The blogger at Gadling was worried that cyclists would see this and careen into the  fence, hit a pedestrian while looking at it, or speed up just to show that they know it's fake.

I'd add the problem of bicyclists expecting any large hole in their path to be 3D art, then crashing into an actual major pothole.

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