Hood Canal bicycling alternatives

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Bicyclists who want to use the Hood Canal ferry while the bridge is under construction can ride directly to the water shuttle docks in South Point or Lofall. Previously, bicyclists had to use the passenger shuttles to get to the docks. More info at PTLeader.com.

Bicyclists must catch a shuttle from Shine Pit Park and Ride or Port Gamble Park and Ride if they want to ride the free shuttle across the Hood Canal during the closure of the Hood Canal Bridge beginning six weeks on May 1.

No bicycles are allowed to arrive on their own at the ferry docks. The ferry runs every 30 minutes and can accommodate five bicyclists. The shuttles can carry three bicycles.


Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/04/29/hood-canal-bicycling-alternatives/

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