Jonesing to save the planet on Earth Day with bicycle power

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Volunteers and staff are cranking the pedals on these bicycles to power up the Jones Soda headquarters building in Seattle on Earth Day.

The building is off the electric grid on Wednesday with only bare essentials running, such as some phones, lights and computers.

With the help of the Applied Science students at the UW, Recycled Cycles bike store and plans from Pedal Power Generator, Jones set up 10 bikes fitted with generators to run the offices. This picture is a web cam view of volunteers pedaling in the morning.

You can learn how to win a free Jones Soda or a T-shirt at the company's Earth Day website. Essentially, you need to take the pledge to help Mother Earth and tell how you'll do it.

You also can volunteer yourself and earn a T-shirt and free soda if you put in some saddle time at 234 9th Avenue North, Seattle.

Just remember to properly recycle that Jones Soda bottle when you're done drinking.

The Jones Soda blog tells some of the work that was done to set up the bicycle generation station.

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