Bicycling and Earth Day events

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Pedal and wind power

What's the best way to celebrate Earth Day on Wednesday, April 22? Ride your bicycle, of course.

I don't mean to carry it by car to the local bike path or Earth Day parade and go for a ride. I mean use your bicycle for transportation to get to work, run errands, or visit a friend.

Using a bicycle reduces the burning of fossil fuels that create greenhouse gases, which are responsible for climate change. End of sermon.

There are many Earth Day events being held this weekend and next weekend across the US.

Free parking

Here are a few that are offering free bicycle valet parking to encourage people to visit by bike:

People Power will provide free valet bicycle parking at the Santa Cruz Earth Day event at San Lorenzo Park Beachlands on April 18.

Washington Area Bicycle Association is offering free bike valet parking at Green Apple Earth Day festival on April 19, and Alexandria Earth Day on April 25.

Bicycle Friendly Berkeley is offering free bike valet parking at Berkeley Earth Day festival on April 25 at Civic Center Park.

Also, Atlanta's Earth Day Beltline Bike Tour is Sunday, April 26. Ride your bike or take MARTA to the event.


Jones Soda is doing an interesting promotion in Seattle. On Wednesday, the company's headquarters will go “off-grid” and be powered with bicycle-generated energy.

Jones employees and area residents will take turns pedaling 10 bicycles to generate enough electricity to power the headquarters, where energy consumption will be cut by turning off some computers, phones and other equipment.

The firm is getting help from Recycled Cycles and the University of Washington's Applied Physics Lab with free plans from Pedal Power Generator to build bicycle-powered generators. Cascade Bicycle Club also will be present to offer advice. You can watch it all on a webcam at the Jones Soda website.

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