League names 8 bike shops of the year for 2008

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SportShop sticker

I was happy to see one of my old haunts listed among the 8 Bicycle Shops of 2008 chosen by members of the League of American Bicyclists.

The League polled its members to name their favorite bicycle shops and tell why. Shops with the most votes in each of the League's 6 regions were named. One region had a 3-way tie, so a total of 8 shops got the nod.

The winners are:

Belmont Wheelworks, Belmont, Massachusetts (Region 1);

Genesis Bicycles, Easton, Pennsylvania (Region 2);

Revolution Cycles, Arlington, Virginia (Region 3);

American Cycle & Fitness, Commerce Township, Michigan (Region 4);

Century Cycles, Peninsula, Ohio (Region 4);

HubBub Custom Bicycles, Cleveland, Ohio (Region 4);

Bicycle Sport Shop, Austin, Texas (Region 5);

Bike Gallery, Portland, Oregon (Region 6).

If you check the shops' websites, you'll see they either promote or participate in many local rides in their areas. Many take an even more active advocacy role.

In making the announcement, League president Andy Clarke said that in addition to their “outstanding customer service, these shops are involved in advocacy, education and encouragement activities that have an impact well beyond their shops' walls.”

As you can guess from the picture, I'm familiar with the Bicycle Sport Shop in Austin. That circa 2000 sticker is still affixed to my main ride, a Lemond Tourmalet.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/04/14/league-names-8-bike-shops-of-the-year-for-2008/

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