Armstrong to race Leadville 100 again in 2009

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Update: Aug. 15Armstrong battles hills, a flat tire and crowds at Leadville 100

The mountain bike race that lured Lance Armstrong back to professional bicycle racing is calling again.

Armstrong has registered for the Leadville Trail 100, scheduled to roll out of the mountain town in Colorado on Aug. 15, about three weeks after the end of the Tour de France.

The Summit Daily News also reports that Floyd Landis may take a shot at the Leadville race this year as well.

The match-up between Armstrong and Landis had been one of the most bally-hooed in cycling in 2007 as both were out of the picture — Armstrong had retired in 2005 and Landis was fighting a ban stemming from accusations of doping during the 2006 Tour de France.

The contest never developed, however, as Armstrong had other commitments. Landis did race, and lost to Leadville legend Dave Wiens. When Armstrong did the race in 2008, he also lost to Wiens.

If Wiens decides to race in 2009, I think the real contest between Armstrong and Landis will be for second place. Wiens has won the race six times in a row.

And forget about giving Armstrong a handicap because of his age — 37. Wiens is 45.

More at Cycling Examiner.

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