Chattanooga bicycle framebuilder killed by passing truck

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“No this is not an official Bike2Work event where we are inticed to ride to work by fine food and prizes. This is just ride your bike to work for fun and adventure. Tomorrow promises to be a beautiful day. It's the next day of the rest of your life.

“See you on the road.”

That's the message left on the Chattanooga Bicycle Club forum Thursday night by David Meek just hours before he was struck and killed by a passing truck on Friday morning.

It shows how much Meek enjoyed bicycling and how he wanted others to share that joy. In addition to being the owner of Privateer Hand-made Performance Bicycles, the 51-year-old was an active member of the bicycle club and leader of the annual Tour de Charohala Challenge.

News sources report that a box-style truck passed Meek riding his bicycle. The rear footboard snagged the rear pannier, yanking the bike out from under him. He was taken to a hospital where he later died.

The driver of the truck told police that he didn't see Meek. Charges are pending.

The blogger for Suck Creek Cycling, which is a dealer for the Privateer bikes, discovered Thursday night's entry on the Chattanooga Bicycle Club forum.

That blog announced that a Saturday morning ride would be organized at the start of the Old Red Bank Bi-Lo location. 

 “We’ll stop at all stop signs. We’ll stop if someone has a mechanical. And we’ll show the general civility to each other that David Meek was known for.”

Sounds like David Meek was the type of cyclist you'd want to ride up alongside if you were in a jam. It's a huge loss to the bicycling community and his  friends and family.

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