Exaggeration and understatement in Lance Armstrong return

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Members of the press apparently had a lot of time to get quotes and brush up their stories as they waited an hour for Lance Armstrong to urinate in the anti-doping trailer at the end of the prologue for the Amgen Tour of California.

Here's some of what's out there today about the comeback kid:

“Just to be in his presence. I don’t have to touch him but seeing what I saw today, I think I want to retire and be a groupie. No, not a stalking groupie. An appreciative groupie. For what he’s done for so many people.”

Bob Padecky, Santa Rose Press Democrat, quoting one of the 100 or so people who waited outside the anti-doping trailer for Armstrong.

“They would never see Lance Armstrong cross the finish line in 10th place or hear the race announcer Dave Towle shriek, 'Lance Armstrong's hands are on the bike,' as if Armstrong might have chosen to ride in the 'Look, ma, no hands,' fashion or, 'Lance Armstrong is racing on your streets,' as if he were going to ride on water.”

Diane Pucin, LA Times, writing about the crowd around the Astana team bus

“When Armstrong was awarded the “most courageous rider” jersey on the post-race podium by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, the roar of the crowd was deafening.”

Ann Killion, San Jose Mercury News

“The fever pitch surrounding Lance Armstrong's comeback reached fever pitch today as America's messiah rode again.”

Simon Richardson, Cycling Weekly

“Kimmage literally called Lance Armstrong “a cancer.” Lance responded in what I can only describe as verbal chemotherapy. And an awesomely high dosage at that.”

Kathryn Bertine, Cycling Examiner, in story about Armstrong's response to Paul Kimmage at an earlier press conference.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2009/02/15/exaggeration-and-understatement-in-lance-armstrong-return/

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