The best adventure websites for bicyclists from Outside's list of 100

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The upcoming issue of Outside magazine tickles our wanderlust with the “The 100 Best Adventure Websites” list.

While we could probably rely on most of these 100 websites at one time or another, I culled through the list to find ones that were the most pertinent for bicyclists.

The editors listed only three websites specifically for bicycling. There are others for shopping, mapping, fitness and event scheduling that bicyclists can use. — It's usually the first place I go for bicycle racing information; also lots of tech geek information; — This is the destination suggested for city cyclists and commuters. It must have been a difficult choice, as there are lots of commuter and city-based bicycling blogs out there. — Outdoor magazine named this as the best bicycle repair and maintenance website. It features a lot of DIY videos to help amateur bicycle mechanics. Sheldon Brown's Bicycle Technical Information is also very useful, but not mentioned.

Shopping and mapping

For cyclists, the list recommends shopping websites PerformanceBike and for browsing and (mountain biking), (road bicycling) for e-mails alerts about deals-of-the-day. Coming in March: (road) and (mountain).

Free maps are available at (of course), as well as (where topographical maps can be browsed for free). sells maps from around the world; here's its link tobicycling maps.


TrainingPeaks — A health and fitness website where you can upload your workout stats and compare; also offers products — for a fee — for syncing GPS, heart rate and power-meter devices. — The commercial cousin to the anti-cancer website. Offers exercise, recipes, diets, stress management and career advice. — Lists nearly 100,000 outdoor events, such as bicycling and mountain biking, as well as running and triathlons. Best of all, it's searchable by type of event, location and dates.

There are also suggestions for travel and hotels, environment, weather, widgets, friends and phones.

Here are the Top 10 Bicycling websites that I visit most often; I think it stacks up fairly well against Outside's list, although it's very light in the shopping and gear departments.


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