Canadian couple explore 13 countries by bicycle in 100 days

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What have you done in the past 100 days? I can't say that anything I've done is as exciting as the bicycle touring adventures by Philippe and Leandra Brient.

The couple from British Columbia set off from France on Sept. 1, and so far have visited 13 countries in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa on their bicycles. (Above they're warming up in Turkey.)

According to their website, Vimax Adventures, the pair have reached Egypt after bicycling across the Sinai Peninsula. It looks like their cyclo-touring will continue after the first of the year.

Philippe and Leandra e-mailed me about their adventures and invited me to check out their website “to give inspiration and information to other cyclists (as others did to us).”


Their pictures and stories at the Vimax Adventures website are an abundant source of inspiration for anyone considering an around-the-world bicycle tour. The two are determined to press on, regardless of the obstacles.

They found poverty along their route in Eastern Europe and crossed an armed border into a country that wasn't even on their maps. It turned out to be Transistria, a breakaway republic of Moldova.

While they avoided many of the big cities so they could camp, they did tour Odessa and Ankara. Later they were invited to stay at the home of “Omar” in Damascus, where they were hosted by his wives and some of his 16 children.


From the high mountains in Turkey they ended up at the Dead Sea in Jordan and visited the ruins at Petra. Later they headed into Egypt where they befriended a bedouin camped nearby in the desert.

They're flying back to France for the holidays, then plan to continue their three-year around the world journey after the start of the year.

Philippe was born in France and Leandra in the Netherlands. They met after separately immigrating to Canada several years ago.


You can read website about previous snowshoe trips they made in Canada before setting off by bicycle. Also, leave a message at their guestbook if you like.

I wish them a lot of luck and good adventures on the journey, and look forward to following their travels.

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