Obama's public works plan should include bicycle facilities; here's a petition

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There might not be a better opportunity to further the cause for bicycle paths, bike lanes and similar projects for a long time.

When President-elect Barack Obama made a pitch on Saturday for a massive public works construction program to jump-start the economy, he said some spending would go to projects aimed at conserving or expanding energy supplies.

He also talked about creating jobs “by making the single largest new investment in our national infrastructure since the creation of the federal highway system in the 1950s.”

Infrastructure? Conserving energy supplies? To me, that says funding bicycle trails, bicycle paths, bicycle racks, marked bicycle routes, and more.


I don't know if that type of “infrastructure” is in Obama's plans right now, but it should be. The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy is seeking signatures on an “Economic Recovery Petition” that encourages spending on bicycle and pedestrian projects. It reads:

“I support explicit funding for trails, walking and biking in the upcoming economic recovery package. Funding active transportation is a cost-effective investment that creates jobs and leads to healthier people, stronger communities, decreased oil dependency, and reduced climate change emissions.”

You can sign the petition here. RTC is trying to surpass 15,000 signatures by Dec. 15.

The Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, Thunderhead Alliance and America Bikes has collected hundreds of “ready-to-go” projects for active transportation from across the country. They say the projects would create new jobs and provide projects to enable people to get around without using their cars.

 See more at TreeHugger.com; Spokes 'n' Folks. Here's that Saturday announcement:

Photo above, bike-to-work day in Bellevue, Washington

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/12/08/obamas-public-works-plan-should-include-bicycle-facilities-heres-a-petition/

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