Lightweight bicycle trailer

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You may have seen these Extrawheel bicycle trailers before, but they are new to me.

I use a standard cage-style Yakima bicycle trailer (now made by BOB, see video on jump) for touring. It allows me to keep heavy weight off the back wheel of my bike, and when combined with front panniers, my bike tracks very well.

It also allows me to fulfill my TMS syndrome — Too Much Stuff.

These Extrawheel trailers also keep heavy weight off the rear wheel, and they're lighter than standard BOB trailers.

Comparing the relative weight of the trailers, the BOB Yak weighs in at 13.5 pounds and the BOB Ibex is 17 pounds. The Extrawheel weighs 8.6 pounds.

You need panniers to put the Extrawheel to use, however, which adds to the weight depending on the style you use. On a BOB you can get by with stuff sacks (or grocery bags). Also, you can haul large, bulky items in a BOB, such as boxes.

Both have similar carrying capacities: 70 pounds for the Yak and Ibex and 66 pounds for the Extrawheel.

Extrawheels is based in Poland; BOB is based in Idaho.

Probably the best idea is to own a bicycle that's built for touring. But many of us can't justify that expense, so we have to make do with what we have. These trailers allow us some flexibility.

Feel free to chime in if you have experience with either style of bike trailer.

More information:

BOB Yak trailer — 13.5 pounds or 6.1 kg (70 pounds capacity)

BOB Ibex trailer  –17 pounds or 7.7 kg (70 pound capacity)

Extrawheel trailer — 8.6 pounds or 3.9 kg (66 pound capacity)

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