Bicycle club endorses ballot initiatives, candidates in Puget Sound

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Only if you live in Washington state, do you have to worry about how to vote on a ballot initiative to change the hours for HOV lanes, whether to support a tax levy for parks and a long-term plan for mass transit in the Puget Sound.

Before you mark your ballot, you might want to check the endorsements from the Cascade Bicycle Club on these issues if you're not sure how to vote. The club also endorses some legislative races in the Puget Sound.

A “No” vote on Initiative 985 is being recommended by Cascade. The initiative opens HOV lanes to all vehicles except for certain peak hours, requires traffic light synchronization and dedicates certain taxes, fines and tolls to traffic-flow purposes.

Mainly the initiative would strip funding for sidewalks and bicycle facilities for new roads. “If it passes, it will deal a devastating blow to pedestrians and people who ride bicycles,” Cascade says.

A “Yes” vote is recommended for Proposition 1 to fund 36 miles of Sound Transit light rail (bicycles will have total access to stations and trains) and improve bus service in the Puget Sound. Further, Cascade recommends a “Yes” vote on the Seattle Parks Levy, which, among other things, pays for the “missing link” of the Burke-Gilman Trail in Ballard.

See Cascade's legislative endorsements in the area legislative districts. There are no endorsements for president or governor, although there is a message from Gov. Christine Gregoire. Meanwhile, beware of subliminal campaign advertising.


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