Lost and found in Bellevue

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Bobby and Ryan
Photo by Emeric Bisbee

Whenever I'm out for a bike ride, I always shout out to people who've stopped at the side of the road. “Everything OK?” “Got what you need?”

So when my son and I passed two bicyclists stopped alongside a road near our home in Bellevue, I asked “You guys OK?” as we passed.

“Yeah, thanks,” one guy said as we pedaled past. Then, from up the road, I heard the other say, “We're looking for directions.”

We pulled over and they biked up to meet us. I could tell immediately that these guys weren't from around here. Their rear bike racks were loaded with panniers, sleeping bags and bedrolls. One had a straw hat strapped atop all his gear. They both had the tan, lean look of a couple of guys who've spent a lot of time on the road.

They were heading west toward Seattle, but weren't able to find the bike route that runs over the Lake Washington bridges. No surprise there. I've had to help local bicyclists find that route.

After laying out the route for them, we got to talking.

Their names are Bobby, at left above, and Ryan. My suspicions were correct. They were on a long distance bicycle tour taking a somewhat modified Northern Tier route.

Bobby left Boston just 6-1/2 weeks ago, biked to Chicago (his home) where he met up with Ryan from Colorado. The two have been working their way west toward Seattle.

Bobby's trip ends here. Ryan takes off down the coast to San Francisco.

They're both riding sturdy steel bikes. Bobby has a Gitane; the downtube label on Ryan's is worn off. No bike problems until recently when Ryan said his rear axle felt like it started wobbling. They'll have plenty of opportunity to get that looked at once they get to Seattle.

After we parted ways, I got to thinking about my bike tours and the apprehension I felt trying to find my way around large, unfamiliar cities. Someone, usually a fellow cyclist, always came forward to help.

I remembered how grateful I was for any little kindness, and I'm glad I could pay some of that back today.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/07/10/lost-and-found-in-bellevue/

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