Who are the favorites?

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Can it just be two years ago that everyone was camping on Lance Armstrong's doorstep asking who he liked in the 2006 Tour de France?

That was his first year in retirement, and I think he started out saying that Jan Ullrich looked good. Then he said Jan was looking a little out of shape — too many dumplings? — but Ivan Basso was the one to beat. Then they both got the heave-ho before the Tour de France started.

As the Tour de France starts this morning, Armstrong is saying he likes Cadel Evans, an Aussie on the Silence-Lotto team. Evans finished second last year, right between Alberto Contador and Levi Leipheimer. As members of Astana, they can't race this year.

Also mentioned a lot is Alejandro Valverde (Spain, Caisse d'Epargne) and Dennis Menchov (Russia, Rabobank).

Others in the running include Damiano Cunego (Italy; Lampre), Andy Schleck (Luxembourg) and Carlos Sastre (Spain) both of CSC, Mauricio Soler (Colombia, Barloworld). 

Kim Kirchen of Luxembourg on Team Columbia even gets a nod from VeloNews.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/07/05/who-are-the-favorites/

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