An upcoming big bike ride motivates; June stats

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In January last year I announced my intention to ride 4,000 miles in 2007. I can blame some medical problems in the late summer and fall for keeping me off the bike for about two months, but honestly, at this time last year I was seriously off pace.

I announced the same goal for 2008, and now I'm actually slightly ahead of the game.

What's the difference? I'm motivated this year by training for the Seattle-to-Portland Bicycle Classic that rolls out of the University of Washington parking lot in just nine days. My son, pictured carbo-loading above, is joining me.

The wall

I love bicycling, but I loathe suffering on a bicycle. And I've done plenty of suffering.

There are vivid memories of saddle sores, aching legs, sore back and neck, numb hands. When I first started riding longer miles as an adult about 30 years ago, hitting the wall was just part of the ride.

I've learned a lot since then; eat before you're hungry, drink before you're thirsty. And get plenty of miles in before you tackle longer rides.


In recent years on across state bike tours, I always had energy to spare at the end of the day. That's because I'd ride a lot before the tours. I didn't want to get caught short.

So that's been my motiviation to ride this year. The Seattle to Portland is a 200-mile bike ride along flat to gently rolling roads. I've done the one-day ride a couple of times; I'll be doing the two-day ride this year.

I know a lot of people tackle the STP with little or no preparation, and I've seen some of the results. I don't want to be one of them, so I've been racking up as many miles as possible.


My neighbor goaded me into riding the STP this year, and I'm glad he did. When my son and I did an overnight bike tour on Memorial Day, he mentioned that it might be a good time for him to tackle it because he'll be heading off to college in a couple of years and might not get another opportunity.

Now my son does nowhere near the bicycling that I do. In fact that Memorial Day weekend ride — 68 miles — was his first ride in about a year.

But my son even knocked out 203 miles in June in preparation for STP, with two of the rides being longer than 40 miles.

June stats

Which brings us around to my June stats. I rode 439 miles this month, the most in a couple of years. Nothing like some motivation.

June's mileage brings me to 2,047 miles on the year, slightly more than halfway to my goal. I've logged 155 miles in the saddle this year.

I'm looking ahead to a good July too. I know I'll have at least 200 miles.

You may have noticed my STP Updates in a Twitter box in the right column lately. I'll be updating from the road during the STP, reporting on some good rest stops and anything else that comes my way. I'll also post some pictures en route.

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