RAGBRAI officials monitoring Iowa floods

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The ride will go on, in spite of flooding in parts of Iowa. That's the word at the official Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Around Iowa (RAGBRAI) website.

[June 19 update: RAGBRAI director T.J. Juskiewicz tells Des Moines Register that extensive flooding in the state has left a handful of roads in some pass-through towns still underwater, but the overnight towns are “in pretty good shape.” ]

The weeklong, 471-mile bicycle tour across Iowa rolls out July 20-26. RAGBRAI says the planned bike ride is still scheduled to take place on the scheduled route, but they're “closely monitoring” the flood devastation across Iowa.

This map from the Iowa Department of Transportation shows road closures (red circle with white bar) throughout the state as of Tuesday afternoon. As you can see, the RAGBARAI route tends to skirt many of the current trouble areas, although the flooding is still developing. The area between Ames and Tipton appears most affected along the route.


Some low-lying campgrounds and other facilities may be affected by the floods. Also bring plenty of insect repellant as thousands of acres of standing water around the state is expected to become a major mosquito breeding ground.

In any case, if you're making the bike tour this year, I'd recommend checking the RAGBRAI website in case of any changes.


Many future, current, and former RAGBRAI bicyclists are discussing what they can do in return for all the support the citizens of Iowa have shown the RAGBRAI riders over the years. There's a discussion thread “Helping Iowans at the RAGBRAI forum.

Among the ideas, donate heavily at the community events at the host towns along the way, and overpay for services and don't accept change.

The best recommendation is to donate directly to the Des Moines Area Red Cross and the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Red Cross. The flood has uprooted 38,000 people from their homes in the state.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/06/18/ragbrai-officials-monitoring-iowa-floods/

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