Biking the rails; S.L.U.T. bike ride in Seattle on Monday

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Seattle bicycle riders will be taking to the streets on Monday to call attention to inadequate signs and bike lanes in door zones.

Seattle Likes Bikes is asking interested cyclists to meet at 6 p.m. Monday at Westlake Center, follow their route, and finish up at the College Inn Pub near University of Washington.

The first half of the route loops around the South Lake Union Trolley (S.L.U.T.) tracks and the signed route along 9th Avenue North that the city has suggested as an alternate. The second half of the ride heads up Eastlake along the proposed route of the streetcar expansion.

As you may remember, the original S.L.U.T. ride last fall called attention to the streetcar tracks that were laid out where bicyclists ride, causing some serious accidents when narrow tires got caught in the tracks.

The Seattle Likes Bikes website says the city is making progress by including bicyclists in street planning, but:

“Westlake Ave N still lacks adequate signage, bike lanes continue to be striped in door zones, and cyclists on the road continue to face a lack of driver education as to cyclists’ rights, including what sharrows markings really indicate (they are visual on-road reminders to all that cyclists always have a right to the road unless otherwise indicated).”

Check out more about this and other advocacy action at the Seattle Likes Bikes! website.

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