Ride of Silence is Wednesday (May 21)

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The ride to honor bicyclists killed or injured by motor vehicles gets underway at 261 locations beginning at 7 p.m. Wednesday in 16 countries.

Ride of Silence is just that, a silent procession. Its purpose is not just to honor those who have been killed, but to remind motorists, police and public officials that bicycle riders have a right to the road.

The ride is free. There is no T-shirt or brochure. Check US Ride Locations or International Ride Locations for Rides of Silence in your area.

 This event has exploded since it began in 2003 with a single ride in Dallas. The ride that year was begun to commemorate local cyclist Larry Schwartz who was killed after being hit by the side mirror on a passing bus.

The idea of the event touched a nerve among cyclists around the world who daily are being bumped, run off the road or mowed down by motor vehicles. It grew to 50 cities in 2004 and about 120 in 2005.

 Many Rides of Silence are being ridden Wednesday along the Pacific Coast. There are 7 rides for Washington, 8 in Oregon, and 20 in California. They range in distance anywhere from 5 miles to 12 or more.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/05/18/ride-of-silence-is-wednesday-may-21/

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