Tulips missing from this year's Tulip Pedal bike ride

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A cold spring delayed the main tulip bloom for the 27th annual Tulip Pedal up in Skagit County on Saturday.

Even so, bicyclists found it convenient to pedal in bunches as a strong wind raked the course all day long.

Cyclists on the 40- and 20-mile routes reported seeing plenty of white and yellow daffodils in roadside fields, but blooming tulips were few and far between.

The blogger at The Life and Times of a Wild Irish Rose (who also took some great pictures) wrote:

“There were times when I was riding on flat ground and Flash should have easily been pulling over 20 mph, that I was only going 8mph, it was like riding over 22 miles of relentless hills.

“I swear, we expended enough energy to have done a Century Ride (and I think there should be some credit for those miles we pedaled and darn near got blown backwards on, like at least DOUBLE.”

Wind was the major topic at Keith's Bike Blog too. He wrote:

“First, let's talk about the wind. Oh my… this was some of the nastiest wind I've ever biked in. Blowing in from the south, the wind speed was high (at least 20) and the gusts were terrible (at least 30). The last 20 miles or so (from Edison back to the start/finish line) were mostly into headwinds. Ouch.”

In spite of a lack of blooming tulips, there seems to be plenty of tulip buds. So the Skagit Valley's Tulip Festival should still a success.

Now, if it's daffodils you like, check out the Daffodil Classic next Sunday in Orting. Sponsored by the Tacoma Wheelmen's Bicycle Club, it features loops of 40, 60 and 100 miles. Map and directions.

More Washington bike rides at the April bicycle calendar

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2008/04/06/tulips-missing-from-this-years-tulip-pedal-bike-ride/

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