Bicycle parking in New York City

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Some New York City investors plan to build a bike parking lot — “the premier bike parking facility in the country” — on a lot on West 33rd Street in midtown (artist rendering at left).

Stonehenge Management has offered the 34th Street Partnership a 1,200-square-foot lot that's about a block from Penn Station, and the execs are looking for a corporation to invest about $200,000 in the idea.

Similar facilities available in six cities on the West Coast are called BikeStations. Chicago has the McDonald's Cycle Center. All offer secure parking, as well as showers and repair shopes.

No frills

Apparently the New York site won't have all those amenities, at least at first, reports the New York Times. 

The 34th Street Partnership, financed by Midtown businesses, will buy racks for 100 bicycles at the parking lot and charge a fee, depending on what other funding it can raise.

Although New York City doesn't have any other bike parking facilities, it has racks that can accommodate some 20,000 bicycles. The city installed 800 racks last year, which raises the total to 4,000 (5 bikes per rack? must be high-rises).

Meanwhile, Cemusa, a global street-furniture outfit, has been hired to install 37 covered bike racks. It also makes public toilets, newstands and bus shelters.

See pictures of the new covered bike racks at Curbed.

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