Great response to Biking Bis link-challenge for flood relief

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Thanks to everyone who took up my link challenge to raise money for the flood victims along the route of the 200-mile Seattle-to-Portland bike ride.

I pledged to donate $5 for every blog that linked to a story I did about the Cascade Bicycle Club's flood relief drive for residents of Chehalis, Centralia and surrounding Lewis County. With 11 links, the grand total was $55. With a surprise matching grant from Ms. BikingBis, that's $110. (Overall, the flood relief drive has raised $23,500 as of  Thursday morning.)

The first link came from UltraRob's Adventures. Rob Lucas is an ultracyclist, whose accomplishments include competing in the RAAM.

That was quickly followed by the omnipresent Cyclelicious, who has posted, among other things, a cool widget that computes how much the US spent this year on imported fossil fuels.

Another favorite, The Cycling Dude, also posted a link with some nice sentiments. Check for this Southern California-based blogger's upcoming ride report on a 90-mile bike route.

James at Bicycle Design usually writes insightful posts about innovations in bicycle form and function, but he took time to link to my fund-raising efforts for flood victims on the opposite coast.

The Twin Rivers Cyclists blog/website linked to the story. Based in Lewiston, Idaho, the website is a good place to stop for maps or local cycling events when you visit the Lewiston, Clarkston, Moscow (University of Idaho) and Pullman (Washington State University) area.

Howard at the Why Howard Laughed bicycling/architecture blog also filed a link. If you want to see Howard in action on his ice bike, including an amusing pratfall, check out this 3-minute video at Ice Bike, the Sequel (the fall comes about halfway through).

And, although it's not technically a blog, I'm counting the link from BikeForums about the STP fund-raiser. I'm also counting prominent mention among “Top Blog Posts on Cycling” at the Biking Circle social ranking website.

Just to make it hurt a little more, I also included links from some sources that probably didn't realize they had links. Websites that carry my feeds, therefore posted links, include BlogNetNews/Cycling, Mobius Cycle – a full service bike shop in Seattle, and the Harrisburg (PA) Bicycle Club.

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