2008 Tour de Georgia host city choices delayed

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(See update: Dec. 5, 2007Five new venues among 12 host cities for 2008 Tour de Georgia)

Tour de Georgia bike race fans waiting for Wednesday's announcement for host cities will have to wait another three weeks.

The organizers are still mulling over their final decisions for the 10 host cities for 2008 and say the announcement will be made Dec. 5.

The sixth annual Tour de Georgia, more than 600 miles long, is scheduled for April 21-27.

The bicycle race is owned by the Georgia Partnership for Economic Development has undergone some changes this year. Lt. Governor Casey Cagle has taken over as board chairman and Elizabeth Dewberry, his campaign manager, is the new executive director.

Medalist Sports will continue to manage logistics and operations.

A big challenge will be to find a title sponsor for the bicycle race in 2008. The tour went off without a main sponsor last year, and the state of Georgia had to front some money to make the race happen.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/11/14/2008-tour-de-georgia-host-city-choices-delayed/

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