Wiens wins at Leadville; bloodied Landis finishes 2nd

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David Wiens, the 5-time winner of Colorado's Leadville 100, set a course record on Saturday as Floyd Landis finished in 2nd, also within the course record time.

The much-anticipated match-up between Landis and Lance Armstrong never developed, however, as the 7-time Tour de France champion didn't show up. There was speculation that Armstrong was training for the race, but his spokesman said last week that he had other commitments.

Wiens finished the mountain-bike race in 6 hours and 58 minutes; Landis finished 2 minutes back. The previous course record was 7 hours and 13 minutes.

Landis crashed about one hour into the race, suffering scrapes on his arms. His thigh also was bandaged. Before entering the pro road peloton, the 2006 Tour de France winner was a mountain bike racer, so he's no stranger to this type of racing.

Trust but Verify has lots of pictures and some first-hand reporting on the race. If you're interested in the results, check out the Leadville 100 website.

Also, the blogger at UltraRob's Adventures was at the site and has some interesting pre-race info and photos. I'd expect more in-depth coverage at his blog later on.

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