Special events with Lance Armstrong during RAGBRAI

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Lance Armstrong is riding the entire RAGBRAI bicycle tour this summer and is making off-the-bike appearances at a special event for youths in Spencer and a concert in Cedar Falls.

After the first stage, which ends Sunday, July 22, in Spencer, Armstrong is scheduled to meet with registered youth participants (under 21) on the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa. He'll answer their questions about his journey through life.

More updates about the youth meet-and-greet at the Spencer RAGBRAI website.

On Wednesday, July 25, the host city Cedar Falls is sponsoring a Live Large concert featuring Blues Traveler.

The concert is a fund-raiser for the Lance Armstrong Foundation and cancer-related charities in the Cedar Valley. Tickets for the concert at Northern Iowa's UNI-Dome can be purchased online at cedarfallsragbrai.org/concert; by phone at (319) 273-4TIX; or at the UNItix ticket outlets at McLeod Center and the Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center, both on the UNI campus.

More information is available at the Cedar Falls RAGBRAI website.

2007 marks the 35th year that RAGBRAI has hosted cyclists across Iowa. More than 8,000 are expected to make the ride this year, which will cover some 470 miles from July 22-28.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/06/20/special-events-with-lance-armstrong-during-ragbrai/

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