More training for Face of America 2007 bike ride

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Yesterday it was supposed to rain in Maryland, but instead it was one of those glorious, sunny spring days where the temperature was in the middle 60s and out on the bike trail you could actually feel the warmth and the coolness in the air all at the same time.

You only get a handful of such days each season in which to ride, so despite whatever else is going on in your life, you owe it to yourself to get out on the bike. I filled up the water bottles and got out the door. This would be my last training ride for the Face of America 2007 ride, which is now only two days away.

Of course I waited until the last minute to start training, but yesterday I just went out for fun.  Because I am going to post text and photos to during Face of America 2007, I had been riding with a backpack containing my camera gear, which weighs about 6 or 7 pounds.

But yesterday I left the camera and backpack at home and just stretched out the legs for pure enjoyment. (The picture above was taken during a ride two days ago at Thomas Point park outside Annapolis. This is at land's end, where I could have made a few more pedal turns and been in the Chesapeake Bay.)

I was trying out my new four-season Continental tires, which are great, and I was also trying out something the guy at my bike shop highly recommended: “chamois butter” to prevent chafing. The directions on the container say to apply the cream to the chamois in your cycling shorts, but the bike shop guy said that everyone applies it directly to the skin, and you need never worry about chafing again.

Apparently a number of companies make this stuff, but he recommended a Swiss product called Assos.  I don't know any Swiss, but given where you apply the cream, I figure I understand what Assos means.

So tomorrow it's on to Gettysburg with my new tires, chamois cream, camera and notepad to take part in what should be a fabulous and inspiring ride. Watch this space Friday, Saturday and Sunday for regular posts, and check my site,, for image galleries of the riders.

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