Terminal cancer patient's cross-country bike tour documentary online

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An hour-long documentary of Jane Tomlinson's cross-country bicycle tour last year is available for viewing online at the website of documentary filmmaker Martyn Hollingworth.

Tomlinson, a terminal cancer patient since 2000, undertook the 4,000-mile journey from San Francisco to New York last year to raise money for cancer research and support groups in her native UK. She also sought to prove that people with terminal cancer can go on living.

Accompanied by a small entourage that included her husband, friends, supporters and the filmmaker who variously rode with her or in a support van, Tomlinson suffered from the heat, the climb over the Rocky Mountains, the headwinds in Kansas and the barking hounds in Kentucky.

$2 million

In the end, she raised $2 million for cancer charities in the US and UK and got her story out in the UK through newspaper articles and the documentary that appeared on Sky News the week after she arrived in New York.

The documentary, entitled Jane Tomlinson: Across the USA, can be seen at the Martyn Hollingworth website. It is beautifully shot and bought back many memories for me of the TransAmerica bicycle route. Watching her suffer, however, demonstrates the difficulty of such a trip on a person with medical issues.

The cross-country ride hasn't been Tomlinson only feat. She is said to be the only person with incurable cancer to complete a full Ironman. She's also completed two half-Ironmans and the London Marathon three times (once while on chemotherapy).

Tomlinson is currently undergoing another round of chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer.

Hollingworth wrote a blog during the ride, as did Tomlinson's husband, Mike. More about Tomlinson is available at the Jane's Appeal website.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/04/17/terminal-cancer-patients-cross-country-bike-tour-documentary-online/

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