Lance Armstrong seeks team members for RAGBRAI

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UPDATE: March 29, 2007 — Deadline to register extended to 5 p.m. CST Friday.

Lance Armstrong is taking a 100-member strong bicycling team with him to this year's Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) and he's looking for volunteers.

There are about 40 slots still open for cyclists who raise a minimum $1,000 for the Lance Armstrong Foundation and who register no later than midnight (Central Time) on Tuesday, March 27. Go to the LiveStrong RAGBRAI website for details.

The 7-time Tour de France winner showed up with a small cadre of cyclists to last year's bike ride across Iowa (photo) for a just a couple of days, and pledged to return this year for the entire week-long ride.

Second visit

Aside from the fact that RAGBRAI is among the first and definitely the most popular across-state ride ever, Armstrong also wants to call attention to the need for federal funding for cancer research. The Iowa caucuses make this an early target for presidential contenders.

RAGBRAI 2007, running from July 22-28, routes 10,000 cyclists some 470 miles across the state from Rock Rapids in the west to Bellevue in the east.  Organizers say the 35th RAGBRAI is the flattest ever.

Members of Armstrong's team must provide their own transportation to and from the event and their own food. Members are also responsible for their own lodging, although campers can use the Camp LiveStrong venue free of charge.

Members get a group start bike ride with Armstrong, participate in social events at Camp LiveStrong and get priority access to an LAF Advocacy event.

More details at the LiveStrong RAGBRAI website.

See also: A roar follows Lance Armstrong across Iowa

Lance Armstrong: Cancer needs to be an election issue


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