Boy's bike stolen: Will trade Yu-Gi-Oh! cards for new ride

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I was scanning the “bikes for sale” ads on Craigslist when I ran across this item:

“Boy's bike wanted — please read — it's also missing”

It turns out a boy in the Hillside area near Fort Lewis, south of Tacoma, Washington, had his bicycle, left, stolen over the weekend. One of his parents placed an ad on Craigslist, saying that the boy was willing to trade his Yu-Gi-Oh! card collection for a replacement bike.

If you have kids, especially boys, you can probably appreciate how much they treasure game cards like Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokemon. To be willing to trade them for a bike is a big sacrifice. This kid must be a bike fanatic in the making. 

Here's the bike ad that appeared on Craigslist (the contact information is on the ad):

Somebody stole my sons bike at the weekend. He loved his bike and is very sad now. He asked me to post this – that he is looking for another one since he cant find his anymore. He has a bunch of Yu-gi-oh ! cards. German , english etc.
If anyone collect them and knows how rare the german ones are here, he would trade them for a bike.
Please be serious with him. He is still so sad about his lost.
I post a picture of his bike here, maybe someone has seen it the last few days here on Fort Lewis. Around Hillside area.

I'm thinking if you live in the Tacoma area and you have a bike that's been outgrown, this might be a good way to find a new home for it. You might score some choice Yo-Gi-Oh! cards, too.

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    • Mike on September 25, 2015 at 5:50 pm
    • Reply

    I don’t live there but I can make a deal with mail. Show me pics of the cards. Mail them to me then I’ll mail a nice green and black cool bike to your address (pics to be shown) but the cards must be shipped first, contact me on email if interested. Thank you.

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