Handmade bicycle show comes to Portland in 2008

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Portland a “natural choice”

Here's good news for us in the Pacific Northwest. The North American Handmade Bicycle Show is heading to Portland in 2008.

The show, which just wrapped up its three-day stand San Jose on Sunday, is a celebration of the best frame designers and builders in the world. Most of the 70 handmade frame makers came from the US and Canada this year.

The 2008 show, scheduled for March 7-10 at the Oregon Convention Center, will be another relocation for the annual event, conceived by Don Walker, a framebuilder himself. It was held in Houston in 2005, then moved to the Bay Area for the past two years.

Bike Portland blogger Jonathan Maus, who beamed in from Portland to cover the event, broke the news on the move to his hometown. Jonathan says Portland is a natural choice for the event:

“Portland is a natural choice for the Handmade Bike Show. We have arguably the largest and most talented pool of custom bike builders in the country and a community that not only loves bikes, but also appreciates the do-it-yourself attitude and skilled craftsmanship of these builders.”

The show is perfect for bike fanatics who appreciate functional and cool-looking bicycles. Some of the more than 1,000 folks who visited the event last weekend were bloggers armed with cameras. Among them:

Bike Portland — In addition to the Portland move, he reported on local award winners Tony Pereira of Pereira Cycles, and Joseph Ahearne of Ahearne Cycles.

Cyclelicious — Fritz tells us the bikes were made from steel, aluminum, carbon fibre, titanium, bamboo and hemp. All the framebuilders were there, and “they love talking about the nerdy details of their bikes.” He has links to other bloggers and flickr galleries as well.

Start Here — Says the Friday show was the least crowded; she attended two days and post pictures.

The Bike Evangelist hopes the show continues to inspire people to appreciate quality.

TandemHearts says some of the best framebuilders were on hand “to torment anyone who loves bikes and did not win the lottery.” Check out the gallery.

Hypebeast also posted pictures from his visit.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/03/05/handmade-bicycle-show-comes-to-portland-in-2008/

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