Amputee cyclist finds sponsor for world tour

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The amazing Dan Sheret says he's proud to announce that the Toyota-United Pro Cycling Team has agreed to become a major sponsor of his around the world bicycle tour — Ability Trek 2007.

Dan will ride a bike made by United Bicycle and wear the Toyota-United team jersey on his journey.

Dan is a long-distance endurance amputee cyclist I wrote about several weeks ago (Amputee prepares for around world bicycle ride) who has been bicycling with a prosthesis since his lower right leg was amputed about five years ago.

Dan emailed me to spread the word and publically thank Toyota-United and the generous support of team owner Sean Tucker:

“This is a major contribution, not only in support for the trek but in how the elite of racing teams look beyond their own success and see a commitment to help others both cyclists and non cyclists.”

After cycling cross-country in 2003,  Dan has led groups of amputee cyclists around Europe and from his home state of North Carolina to Washington DC to prove that life doesn't end with a limb loss.

In his latest venture, Ability Trek 2007, Dan leaves San Francisco on a bike tour to Washington DC, then on to Europe, the Middle East, Russia, China and Southeast Asia.

He wants to bring hope and awareness to amputees in need throughout the developing world and bring to light to the prosthetics industry the great work that is being done to aid landmine vicitims and other amputees.

Along the way, he'll raise funds and awareness for:

Clear Path International, which serves landmine and bombing survivors and their families through direct medical and social services; and

Rotary International's Basra Prosthetics Project, which is raising funds to re-start an existing prosthetics center to help the estimated 5,000 amputees in Basra who have fallen victim to fighting there.

See more news about his bicycle tour at the Ability Trek 2007 blog.

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