These bicycling WYMPS need help between Wyoming and Idaho

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They'll finish cross-country tour in 2008

The WYMPS are the Waban Young Men's Pedaling Society. And while the Waban, Massachusetts-based club members do pedal, I have doubts about them being young.

The WYMPS have been bicycling cross-country for 11 years. They're not slow, they just tackle it one week at a time. They've covered the route West-to-East, and this summer they'll be in the midst of heading East-to-West.

Here's why Randy Carpenter contacted me for help. The group is looking to rent two rental vans to carry gear and store bikes for the 12 riders. Vans from a touring or outdoor outfit would be ideal. They're willing to pay, they just haven't found a tour outfit with vans to spare, yet. They need the vans from June 22-29, 2007.

The trek

I asked Randy about the WYMPS, many of whom have been cycling together for 15 to 20 years.

“The cross country trek began 11 years ago (West to East) and this time we are heading East to West.  We ride for a week at a time, cover 400-600 miles in that week, and begin where we ended the prior year.

“The core group is 5-6 riders.  We typically rent a 12 passenger van, take out the back seat, put on a roof rack and rotate driving every hour.   This year, we expect to have 10-12 riders and will need to rent two vans.  Our plan is to ship the bikes to Boise, have two members fly to Boise, pick up the bikes, drive to Jackson, Wyo., pick up the other bikers at the airport.  We will drive to Dubois the next morning (where we ended last year) and then begin our ride … .  We will make a side trip to Ketchum to visit family and friends and ultimately end up in Boise.

“We would appreciate any help in locating a Boise based outdoor adventure group or van rental company that would be willing to rent us two 12-plus passenger vans with roof racks.”

Next year, they start in Boise and head to the West Coast.

It sounds like a great adventure for some bicyclists who can't take off 10-12 weeks to do the trip in one undertaking.


To reach Randy Carpenter, e-mail

And best of luck to the WYMPS!

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