3 LiveStrong bicycle rides scheduled for 2007

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See 2008 LiveStrong rides in Portland, Austin, Philadelphia and Bay Area

The Lance Armstrong Foundation has announced the dates for three LiveStrong bicycle rides in 2007 to benefit cancer research.

The 2007 LiveStrong Challenge bike events are:

Philadelphia — August 25-26
Portland, Oregon — September 29-30
Austin — October 12-14

The Austin ride also includes the annual Ride for the Roses celebration for the top fund-raisers.

On the LiveStrong website, the 7-time Tour de France winner and cancer survivor talks about his participation in the events.

“I'm personally excited to participate in the Challenge and am committed to doing everything I can to help provide strength, courage and hope to the millions of people living with cancer.”

This year's events aren't limited to bicycling — a 70 and 100-mile route is planned. Runners and walkers also are encouraged.


The events will raise funds through an incentive structure. Registration costs $50. Bicyclists must raise a minimum $250 to participate, but there's no minimum for runners and walkers. Incentives include T-shirts, jerseys, lodging and dinner with Armstrong and kick in when bicyclists pass the $500 level ($100 for runners and walkers).

Two LiveStrong Challenge rides from 2006 — Orange County and Denver — were dropped from the itinerary this year so organizers can focus on these three events.


The two-day events comprise visits to the LiveStrong Village on Saturday, an awards dinner for those raising at least $5,000 on Saturday night, and a ride or walk on Sunday.

All the information for registration, incentives, individual or team fund-raising, and FAQs are posted online at the  LiveStrong Challenge website.

10-year anniversary

2007 is the 10th-year anniversary for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. I remember participating in that first “Race for the Roses” in Austin back in 1997 (I still have the autographed poster hanging next to my desk). Since its founding, LAF has raised $163.5 million and funded more than 121 research grants and 174 community grants.

Armstrong is working hard to make cancer-funding an election issue in 2008 and has made a recent trip to Iowa, the site of the first Presidential caucuses. Here's more about his desire to make cancer an election issue.

Check “Charity bike rides” for more fund-raisers

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2007/01/23/3-livestrong-bicycle-rides-scheduled-for-2007/

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