Another year in the saddle

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Today marks the second-year anniversary for the Biking Bis blog.

This thing got started when I filed a short piece about my birthday bike ride. The website was called Bikin' Bis then; I changed the name because most of my hits came from google searches for “bikini.”

I quickly figured out that people probably didn't want to read about my bike rides, so I thought about other themes for a bicycling blog. I finally hit on the idea of focusing on general bicycling news in the blog, so that readers taking a break during a recreational ride could say: “Hey, did you hear about….?”

So far, I've filed 2,029 posts, which include articles and pictures. Also, I've been building up ride lists for recreational bicyclists. I have about 80 week-long bicycle tours in states across the US, as well as calendars of century rides in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and California.

Not much has changed in the past year. I've tried to offer a little more information for some of the big races, like the Tour of California, Tour de Georgia, and of course the Tour de France, and I've been trying to write more “how-to” type articles.

Recently I've been toying around with a page called the “Feed Zone.” It basically offers RSS feeds from other bicycling blogs, cycling news headlines from some cycling pubs, and the most recent bicycling-tagged photos from Flickr.

I want to thank all the bicycling enthusiasts who have stopped by, especially those who take the time to leave comments. Just seeing those visitor stats creep up motivates me to keep going. This past year the Biking Bis blog had nearly five times the number of visitors as the first year.

As always, feel free to leave comments or drop me an email at I hope to see you in the coming year!

Picture from bicycle tour to Olympic National Park in '06.

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