Bicycle is best invention in 200 years, says UK

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(I've taken off for a trip on that wonderful invention, the bicycle. Here's a reprint from May 7, 2005.)

BBC Radio took a poll recently on what listeners thought  was the best invention since 1800.

The bicycle came in at #1 in the BBC poll with 59% of the vote. It was chosen for being an ecologically sound means of transportation, its simple design, and its widespread use.

I couldn't agree more. The ability to get from one place to another more quickly than walking helps to enrich our lives. Being able to do so without filling the air with exhaust helps the planet.

Design-wise, even a disabled hi-tech bicycle can be made to go again by most people with a patch kit and set of tire levers. Even most drive-train problems can be solved by lifting an oily chain back on a sprocket. Can you say that for even the most basic cars?

And as for universality of use, you can find bikes in just about every corner of the globe and used by the very young to very old.

 Other finishers, the transister (8%), computer (6%), and the Internet (4%).

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