Bike store robberies: Evidence that high gasoline prices make bikes more valuable?

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Smash-and-grab thieves broke into three bicycle stores in the Silicon Valley area in the past few weeks. (Arrest in California bike shop burglaries, May 25, 2006)

A total $44,000 worth of bicycles and bike gear has been stolen in the burglaries — 2 the night of April 28 and one on May 3.

Robert Cormia, co-owner of the Calabazas Bike Shop in San Jose, told the Associated Press:

“We honestly don't know what's going on. But it's getting quite worrisome.”

I think I know what's going on. Everywhere I'm reading that more people are taking to bicycles as gasoline prices soar over $3 a gallon. Here's today's contribution on that trend from the Buffalo News: “More Americans biking to work to cut down on gasoline usage.” 

With more people riding bicycles, maybe the criminal element thinks there's a market for stolen bikes.

Bike shop owners are keeping each other apprised by email and checking online auction sites for stolen bikes.

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