Cross-country bike ride on a recumbent

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A 58-year-old Virginia farmer has finished his cross-country bike tour from San Diego to St. Augustine from the seat of a recumbent bicycle.

Why a recumbent? Chris Parish, left, says it eased the strain on his neck and arms, which suffer from arthritis. Also, it's the bike he got in a trade for a bale of hay. Why did he do it? “A lot of people ask me that, and I have no good answer.”

Parish told a reporter for the Rappahannock News that his recumbent drew lots of stares and questions. Some motorists who drove past would stop and ask him about his 'bent.

He downplayed his accomplishment of pedaling through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.

“Virtually anybody could do it. Start out slowly, and by the end, it will be easy. If you do nothing but ride a bike all day for weeks, you'll get pretty good at riding a bike all day.”

The farmer carried about 50 pounds of gear, which included a sleeping bag, extra clothes, bottled water and some tools. He spent most nights in a motel, so he didn't need a tent, just a credit card. He did get caught between motels a few times; that's when he used his sleeping bag.

He averaged about 70 miles in a six hour day of pedaling. Parish said he legs were always sore. On the plus side, his ride across country restored his faith in people.

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